Monday, November 30, 2009

Repro Health Happy Hour TONIGHT!

We are taking it back to where it all began... Join us from 6 to 9pm tonight for Repro Health Happy Hour at Beauty Bar, 231 E 14th St between 2nd and 3rd Ave. More info online HERE.

NYC teach-ins on abortion and health reform this Mon and Tues


Uptown Manhattan teach-in
Monday, Nov. 30, 5 to 6:30 p.m.
Hess Commons, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University

722 West 168th Street
Speaker: Lois Uttley, Co-founder, Raising Women's Voices for the Health Care We Need
Sponsored by the Sexual and Reproductive Health h Action Group (SHAG) and the Heilbrunn Department of Population and Family Health at Mailman

Downtown Manhattan teach-in
Tuesday, Dec. 1, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
One Hudson Square, 75 Varick St. at Canal Street, Suite 1404

Speakers: Lois Uttley, Co-founder, Raising Women's Voices for the Health Care We Need Linda Prine, M.D.; the Rev. Constance Benson

Co-sponsored by Metro NY Health Care for All Campaign, Raising Women's Voices for the Health Care We Need, NYC for Change and the Public Health Association of NYC (PHANYC)

Light refreshments provided rsvp to to help us get a head count for refreshments.