Tuesday, November 27, 2007

"Got Health Care?" Event at PPNYC

What's all the talk about Health Care Reform?

We are hosting the second installment of a three-part series on health care reform entitled "Got Health Care?"

Come talk with state and national experts
in a Presentation of the Massachusetts Universal Health Care Plan

Tuesday, December 4th


26 Bleecker Street

7th Floor Conference Room

RSVP at choicevoice@ppnyc.org

Young Pro-Choice Professional Event for NARAL NY

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Missing STraIn: A Talk About HPV

Issues That Matter- The Missing STraIn: A Talk About HPV

Believe it or not, the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted infection (STI) in the country; nearly half of all sexually active folks will contract a strain of the virus at some point in their lives, but too many don't even know what it is.

Needless to say, we think it's really important to educate New Yorkers on HPV, so we're hosting an event about the virus, the vaccine, and some of the policy questions surrounding the topic.


Dr. Albert George Thomas, MD, MS, Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Chief of Family Planning Services at Mount Sinai Medical Center

Corinne A. Carey, Attorney, Reproductive Rights Project, New York Civil Liberties Union

Amanda Ramos, Peer Educator for NARAL Pro-Choice New York's Teen Outreach Reproductive Challenge Program

Emily Alexander, Policy and Research Coordinator, National Institute for Reproductive Health


Join us as we learn about the HPV virus, the vaccine and the policy behind both.


Wednesday, November 28th

6:30 until 8:00 pm


470 Park Avenue South, 7th floor

Located between 31st and 32nd Streets

Please RSVP by November 27 to Debbie at djohnson@prochoiceny.org

or 212-343- 0114 ext. 3525.

Issues That Matter is a forum for discussions with guest speakers exploring how we can protect a woman's right to choose.

No Happy Hour this Month

Due to the craziness of the holiday season, we will be having a special holiday Repro Health Happy Hour in December! Stay tuned for more details!


Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Body Politic '08: Pro-Choice Poker!

Join Us and Celebrate Change in 2008!

For New York, the 2008 Election will be the time for pro-choice political change and the Planned Parenthood of New York City Action Fund is committed to making that change happen.

But we need pro-choice New Yorkers like you!

Fight for Your Rights. Party.

Pro-Choice Poker!

Saturday, November 17

Pete's Candy Store
709 Lorimer Street
Brooklyn, NY 11211

Tickets $20

Meet other pro-choice New Yorkers, play a friendly* game of poker and support the important political work of the Planned Parenthood of New York City Action Fund.

Your $20 ticket to this fabulous party also gets you a one-year membership to the Action Fund. As a member, you'll get all the latest info on how to make pro-choice political change in 2008 and beyond. Bring friends and get them signed up as Action Fund members too!

Click Here to RSVP

Can't make it to this event? There will be Body Politic '08 events happening throughout the year leading up to the 2008 Election. Click here to find out about other upcoming parties and check back often!

*Games are for fun not money.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

JOIN US: November 12 Rally for Affordable Birth Control!

Join NYU: Voices for Choice, NOW-NYU, NYU Law Students for Reproductive Justice at the Birth Control Cri$is Rally!!!

Monday, November 12th


Washington Square Park

When the Deficit Reduction Act (passed by Congress in 2005) took effect this year, students and low-income women were left out in the cold! College health centers and safety-net providers, like Planned Parenthood, had previously been able to purchase birth control from drug companies at an extremely discounted rate. But no more. As a result, affordable birth control has become out of reach for many college women. For example, the cost of a pack of birth control on some campuses has risen from $5 to nearly $50 a month!

Send Congress a message to restore access to affordable birth control for college students and low-income women!

Featuring Special Guest Speakers:
U.S. Representative Joseph Crowley

NYC Council Speaker Christine Quinn

Meena Shah, NYU Voices for Choice

And others!